Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why You Aren't Getting Job Offers (U.S. News Money)

Allison Green, author and owner of Ask A Manager, posted a column on U.S. News and World Report, explaining eight reasons why you haven't received any job offers. This is useful advice for those who are frantically searching for work in this economy.
Frustrated with your job search? Are you sending out tons of resumes, and maybe even getting interviews, but not any offers?

  1. Your resume doesn't indicate anything about your work beyond your job descriptions.
  2. Your cover letter puts hiring managers to sleep.
  3. You don't seem enthusiastic about the job.
  4. You aren't paying attention to details.
  5. Your interview skills are lackluster.
  6. You're trying to "stand out" by using gimmicks.
  7. You're so focused on selling yourself that the hiring manager can't assess your fit for the job.
  8. Math.

I would also add another reason: you have no control over hiring practices in your region. You could have performed your best interview, but someone higher-up has the final say in the selection of candidates. It isn't your fault; you are simply better off working for another organization.

You may also want to read this Chronicle article on why your resume isn't receiving callbacks. It is applicable to both academic and non-academic settings.

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