Tuesday, November 3, 2009

State of Michigan Economy Still Struggling

The State of Michigan government finally passed its budget, which continues a decline in appropriations funding to its four-year public institutions. This has major implications for public universities, such as hiring fewer tenure-track faculty and eliminating entire departments. The state economy is not in good shape,
From the Chronicle of Higher Education:

Michigan State University has proposed a series of program cuts to cope with declining state support, according to reports in the Lansing State Journal and The State News. The proposed cuts include closing at least nine departments and more than a dozen degree programs, among them the classics, veterinary technology, retailing, and American studies.

The state's 2009-10 budget, signed on Friday, provides no money for the merit-based Michigan Promise Scholarship but retains $31.7-million in need-based grants for students at private colleges, the Detroit Free Press reported. The budget also spares Michigan State's agricultural extension services.

Although U-M is still operating strong, this is a major warning for the three-campus system. It can learn what not to do from MSU.

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