Monday, December 13, 2010

Jill Hurst-Wahl: What Every LIS Student Should Know

Although this post is geared towards librarians and information professionals, I think social workers will also find this advice very helpful. Jill Hurst-Wahl, MLS, is a digitization consultant and owner of Hurst Associates, Ltd. as well as an Assistant Professor of Practice in Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies. Jill's interests include digitization, digital libraries, copyright, web 2.0 and social media. She says:
Every fall, a new group of graduate students arrives in the classroom on their way to becoming librarians and information professionals. Each group is full of energy and ideas, and ready to take on the world. Each student believes in the power of information, even before they fully realize the power that information holds. Every person is willing to make sacrifices in order to reach his/her goal. While the wide-eyed "this is awesome" attitude remains during the semester, it often becomes tempered as students attend to the details of their classes and their lives as graduate students. We're at the point in the semester where stress and elation are hand-in-hand. The end of the semester is in sight, but there is so much to do before then!

With that as a backdrop, this is what I want LIS students to know (no matter where in the world you are)..

You can read the rest of her advice by clicking here.

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